Tuesday, October 18, 2011

River Test Trilogy (Original, Jealous Husbands, Getting Rich)

I was shocked during the last update of my River Test application on my Blackberry phone. When I opened the application, it already consists of 3 puzzle and I enjoyed it since I no longer have to download a separate application for other River Test series.

RIVER TEST ORIGINAL (Getting a Family)

1. Bring the Police and the Prison to Island2.
2. Bring the Police back to Island1.
3. With the Police, bring the Boy1 to Island2.
4. Take the Prison with the Police to Island1.
5. Take the Boy1 in Island2 with the Father.
6. Bring the Father back to Island1.
7. Take both Mother and Father to Island2.
8. Take the Mother back to Island1.
9. Bring the Police and the Prison to Island2.
10. Let the Father bring the boat to Island1.
11. Take the Mother with the Father to Island2.
12. Take the Mother to Island1.
13. Let the Mother bring the Daughter1 to Island2.
14. Bring the Prison with the Police to Island1.
15. Let the Police take the Daughter2 to Island2.
16. Bring the Police back to Island1.
17. Lastly, bring the Prison with the Police to Island2.


Since, I've already posted a tutorial for this, I'll just paste the link here, River Test 2 Solution.


1. Let Brown take the 3K nuggets to Island2.
2. Bring Brown back to Island1.
3. Let Smith take the 5K nuggets to Island2.
4. Bring Smith back to Island1.
5. Bring Jones and Brown to Island2.
6. Let Jones take the 5K nuggets to Island1.
7. Bring Smith with the 8K nuggets to Island2.
8. Let Brown take the 3K nuggets back to Island1.
9. Let Jones and Brown ride the boat to Island2.
10. Let Smith bring the boat back to Island1.
11. Let Smith take the 5K nuggets to Island2.
12. Let Brown take the boat back to Island1.
13. Bring Brown with the 3K nuggets to Island2.

The shortest time I was able to make with this 13 moves was 52secs. and I think it is possible to have it in a shorter period of time.

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