My PC was broken on the last week of November and was fixed on the first day of December, I got confused. Is it true? I've got lots of cartoon friends. Name one and he or she might be one of them, from those famous characters of my generation which still lingers its popularity in today's generation to those characters which is most likely forgotten as time pass by are present.

After learning why, I changed mine as well. A
Facebook Page was made to make raise awareness about the Worldwide Violence Against Children and Child Abuse, the name of the page creator is still unknown.
Links of those foundations which supports the fight against Child Abuse were also provided. For potential donors who wants to help abused children in the Philippines, you may visit
Bantay Bata for your donations.
There is also a video which is currently spread and linked my Facebook members to get the attention as well and to get you out of confusion why Mickey Mouse is already your Facebook friend.
And today, December 6 which is said to have no human face on Facebook but just an invasion of memories, even though not 100% of Facebook account owners were able to change their profile picture with their favorite cartoon character, at least those characters are dominating. Maybe that person behind this movement were not just able to spread the awareness of Child Abuse, but he/she was also been able to spread joy with those who have changed their pictures.
Bringing those old cartoon characters to life makes you think how happy it is to be a child. And for us who were lucky enough to enjoy our childhood very well will be able to think that there are still children of people in this world who suffers from painful memories of their childhood and makes us think that when we became future parents, let's give our sons and daughters a happy childhood with the help of those cartoons created by lots of talented people.